viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012

A valuable fan from Portugal: Ana, @ana_m_q

Hi... Yeah, I know, this blog has not been updated for more than 3 months. The last time I write something (and with something I mean an interview) was in May. And I know this is not good, because there are lots of wonderful fans who deserve to be here.

 So now I'm here again to share with you a very interesting interview. The first interview was with @tvfashionaddict, but this one is with Ana (@ana_m_q), a very nice portuguese woman I've talked to on twitter.

Ladies and gentleman (I always wanted to say it), this is the second interview of House MD Kingdom. Enjoy


Q: I think you have replied this before but I need to ask it anyway. What is the first episode of House that you watched?

The first episode that I've watched was "Heavy". I only saw some scenes. I wasn't very impressed with the House then, with his methods. Afterwards, I saw a miscellany of episodes from season 3 to 5, without any particular order. I only started to become interested in the show when I watched the "Pilot", a couple of years after, during a rerun of the first season. The "Pilot" was the episode that hooked me definitely to the show.

Q: House is one of the best TV shows ever, we all know that but... can you tell me what you think that makes House a great series?

For me it's its main character, Gregory House, without a doubt. House is a fascinating character, full of flaws and qualities. With an inquiring mind, lots of imagination and a pessimistic and cynic (some would call it realistic) view of humanity. He is an explosive mixture of contradictory things. He is a philosopher, always on the move. A restless guy. Lonely but yearning for company. Not believing in true change but always trying for it. A kid and an adult at the same time. A deeply moral character, and a very human character. A giant, to me. I think House is a unique character, a character with a big soul, capable of acts of selfishness but also of acts of great generosity, capable of great suffering and deep understanding. This type of character is not easy to find in a TV show.

Q: What do you think of the medical cases and patients?

The show portrayed a mixture of unusual cases with interesting patients. It was also fascinating to follow the diagnostic process, specially in the first seasons. "House" dealt with matters of life and death, and in some moments stroke something akin to the Truth.

Q: Gregory House is not a hero but an anti-hero, however he has feelings. What do you think of Huddy and the times when House shows his "softer side"?

Well, for me Gregory House is, indeed, a hero. Not an anti-hero. He may be controversial, yes, but he is a hero nonetheless. He is a genius, a saviour of lives. A risk taker, a fearless man, a relentless pursuer of the truth, a man that fights for what he believes.
My feelings about Huddy... I loved to to watch them together. Cuddy and House had a great chemistry. They meshed well together. Always a pleasure to watch despite the fact that their relationship didn't work in the end. Whenever House showed his "softer side" we had glimpses of what was going on in his soul, his vulnerability. I treasure all those moments. They gave richness to the character.

Q: Now that we know House has ended, do you think that House will be a topic a discussion for years? What would you say if somene in 10, 20 or more years ask you "House, what is that"?

It already is a matter of discussion today, because the series showed the importance of having someone that has a global view of the human body and that is capable of making correlations between different symptoms to come up with a correct diagnostic. In the recent past, specialities like Internal Medicine were cast aside in favour of a type of medicine more localized, in which the different organs were treated separately. Nowadays, that tendency is for the contrary: is to value Internal Medicine and the capacity that the internists have of seeing the human body as a system and of making connections that others miss. "House" had the merit of being a series that showed the importance of the diagnostic process and the importance of having someone that is capable of a global thinking.

If someone in the future asked me "House, what's that?", I would have given him the DVDs and would tell him: "Here, watch".

Q: House MD has great fans in the world, what do you think of them?

Speaking for the ones that I know, that they are wonderful people. Some of them are my friends. And all have impeccable taste.

Q: Besides being a great actor, Hugh Laurie is a singer. Do you think he is a good singer?

Yes, I think he is a good singer, and a great musician and piano player. I had the pleasure of seeing him perform in Paris and in Lisbon. Two nights to remember.

Q: Well, thank you so much. Have a great day, Ana.

The pleasure was all mine, César.

That's it, César :)

Wish you a great day too.
Have a nice day.

¡Y saludos al estilo Gregory House!

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